Alan Scherer Photographer

Posts Tagged ‘Boston’


In inspiration on January 16, 2013 at 3:07 pm


Just because you can’t see how far the road leads or even if there is a cliff off in the distance doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start your Journey one step at a time letting the present show itself in the due time you need to grow ready for what comes along for your life to blossom.

There is no FEAR but FEAR itself drop the EGO and pick up your SOUL, it is true because I have done it too!






In inspiration on January 9, 2013 at 3:11 pm

a np2-6

We all have an opportunity to be part of something special, OUR LIVES! How long will you wait to take charge of your existance? Life is a CHOICE not a REQUIREMENT!!!

You either take charge of the moment or the moment takes charge of you… You may be saying how do I do that,what step can I take to become the me I see in my dreams? Well I tell you this it will hurt but it will be worth it,you have to do the things that scare you most like becoming your best friend and not your worst enemy. Because you have to live with yourself you might as well learn to accept and enjoy who you are and how you got here… Then put one foot in front of the other to a life you see in your dreams, for if you dream it you can live it.

I love you,



Alan P Scherer Jr learning to live again is killing me softly

In boston, boston photography, cape cod, inspiration, joy, love, memories, motivation, ocean, photography, quotes, thoughts on April 26, 2011 at 1:59 am

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My face has aged over the years, 37 to be exact on this earth trying to share moments energy and time.  I got lost a long time ago and was walking aimlessly through this life being something for others and neglecting myself in the process.  At the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010 I had a little epiphany, it was time for me to learn to wipe the tarnish of myself and shine brightly like a star.  I at the time was a portly 252 lbs. ya that is right ginormous compared to where I am today.  I looked in the mirror and made a decision to be come better on a daily basis, and that started with going over to Workout World in Waltham and getting a membership.  So you can only do it one day at a time so I was consistently working out and running to get into shape.  i started eating a lot of protein and fat to start and chew up the fat on my body and it progressively started to disappear.

I also made a decision to ride for MS in June of 2010 from Quincy to Provincetown a total of 175 miles in 2 days that’s right 2 days…  100 miles the first day 75 the second day, so I went to Wheel Works in Belmont to see what they had available for bikes in a price range that I could afford.  I found a mustard and brown Trek 3700 mountain bike last years model for 349$ and I was in business.  So I started training at the gym, running and riding my bike 13- 20 miles a day ya I don’t kid around when it comes to doing work..  There is no give up in this kid, sometimes I am afraid of rejection but when there is something that needs to get done I get it done.

So I dropped from 250 to 230 in about 2 months and I started to up my mileage on my bike and spike up the intensity as well so needless to say I was  in amazingly good shape by the time the ride came around.  I rode my 40 lb. mountain bike with 2 water bottles 2 locks wore a backpack and headed out on a two day ride to help find a cure for a debilitating disease that has stricken people close and far from me.  I never got so many compliments from people on beautiful 1000$ carbon fiber road bikes as I did on those 2 days.They said things like that I was a beast and just a little crazy to be riding my mountain bike with knobby tires 175 miles, but I used what I had and could afford while also having a bike I enjoy riding on a daily basis.

I was joined on this ride by Lucas Anderson a friend from way back in my Ritz camera working days of 1998, he was actually the reason I got the idea in the first place to challenge myself to do this ride and do it better than just well.  He, Lucas had done this ride before and had a nice road bike so we didn’t ride together for that long but it was great to know someone that was doing it as well.  so after the long hard 100 miles was over we got to stay at Mass Maratime Academy for the night and they had a great spread of food and BEER for us thanx to Wachusett Brewery and some other fine sponsors.  it was tough to sleep since it was the end of June and it was humid in the Barracks so it took a while to fall asleep.

The next morning did come to quickly but I was charged to get some grub in me and get on the rode to my home, Cape Cod the 2nd best place in the world besides Boston to me anyway.  We headed out about 530 am crossed the Bourne Bridge and we were off on the 75 mile excursion to Provincetown mostly by 6A, such beautiful scenery along that route and it just reminded me how awesome life truly is.  The route was a little more difficult, for the Quincy to Bourne route was a lot of down hill and on the way to Provincetown was a lot of up hill so the 75 did feel more like another 100 but it was an amazing experience to say the least.

We arrived in Provincetown to many fans clapping and rooting us on for most of the last stretch which was awesome because their positive energy made it not seem so far or so hard.  Once I got off my bike and put it on the truck to go back to Quincy I grabbed my bag and took a much earned and deserved shower in the portable showers they had for us to wash the road the sweat and the tears away with.  Lucas and I met up and went to enjoy a few beers before we boarded the ferry back to the real world and the experience would just be an amazing memory for us all from then on.

2010 was an amazing year full of learning experiences and fulfilling moments of joy I mean not everyday was amazing but for the most part it rocked.  2011 has been humbling to say the least, on my third job in 4 1/2 months but in any experience you bring the best of yourself into it and see what happens.  It doesn’t always work out, but if you give it your best shot that is truly all you can ask for.  I have landed at what I hope is a good restaurant experience and will help me grow and change for the better on a daily basis, we shall see.  My photography continues to find it’s own level and make me more happy and proud everyday, I hope for great opportunities to shine with camera and lens for months and years to come.

I had an opportunity to sit and chat with a great designer who has a Studio in Cambridge his name is Samuel Vartan if you are into the latest in woman’s fashion you should check out his work.  Not only is his work great but he is a great man to talk to as well, I am hoping we can do more great things together in the not so distant future.  The reason I had the opportunity to chat with him was that I photographed his spring, summer line at the Southern New England Woman’s Expo at the Twin River Casino in Lincoln, Rhode Island last Sunday and it was quite an experience.  To read more about the expo check out my photography blog on it from last Monday.

The experiences I am getting to be a part of really are amazing and influential in my growth as a man.  I forget sometimes that I am a good person and have had an impact in many lives so far and can’t wait for the next life I can touch with my loving, caring heart.  I also have become more of a friend to myself which in this life is so important, we all have the opportunity to create positive change in our lives and other peoples lives should we choose to it is totally up to us.  I will leave you with this, If you treat others the way you feel then that will be 2 or more people who may be angry, bitter or irritated by you putting that energy out there.  But if you treat people the way that you want to be treated than for a moment in time you have healed the world.  here is to a happy healthy 2011, and please don’t condemn our president for the hard work he is trying to do to right this sinking ship nobody said it was gonna be easy but the best things in life never are.  It takes Time , love and tenderness of heart to create positive change and it starts inside you.  God bless


A slideshow from Boston

In boston, boston photography, inspiration, love, memories, motivation, ocean, photography, thoughts on April 15, 2011 at 11:17 am

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Spent the day walking around the harbor and downtown, capturing life and it’s wonders as Spring unfolds around us.  Hope you get out the same joy as  put in, for joy lies in the simple things we may over look.  I do my best to create a journey that you can travel along in and create an imaginative aspect to the journey yourself…  I would love to know how these images help you to feel, so don’t hesitate to comment and share this with people you care about as well.  Thank you in advance for spending a little time with me on my blog I appreciate it very much.  Romans 8:37 on of my favorite verses if you don’t know it google it for it is the truth that will set us free…

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Alan P Scherer Jr Photography official webiste

Red Sox Yankees Rivalry

In baseball, boston, boston photography, photography, red sox, rivalry, winning on April 10, 2011 at 1:45 pm

we need this game tonight Beckett…. Pitch the hell out of it! Prime time player, we shall see tonight

Bringing back the Fight in us all thank you new era!

Will you remember…

In boston, boston photography, inspiration, joy, love, memories, motivation, photography, quotes on March 29, 2011 at 1:28 pm


We are in this world only what we are willing to share with the world wholeheartedly…  how long will you wait?   There is a whole world out there for you to enjoy an explore all you have to do is step foot out your door… Don’t wait to long tomorrow is promised to none of us…

here mommy for you

the signs of spring

Enjoy these moments for they don’t last forever… From Boston to Lexington Square I will always share how I see the beautiful world around me.  Please enjoy…



The Sarah Colvin Cambridge,Ma experience

In boston, boston photography, inspiration, joy, love, memories, motivation, photography, thoughts on March 25, 2011 at 8:30 pm

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Today I met up with a great photographer and friend of mine Sarah Colvin and we set out on a Cambridge photo experience with no place in mind other than capturing the area in it’s purest form..  We walked all the way to Central Square capturing  Architecture , street and floral photos that any art lover or Boston fan could be proud of and needless to say I didn’t need to do any thing other than click on save to bring these pictures you see before you to life…  We talked of positive energy and sharing life with ourselves and each other while finding wonderful things to share with the world that you may walk by but never notice..  This is one of the most beautiful places on earth and I get to live in it everyday for which I am truly grateful…. Enjoy!


To check out sarah’s website click here