Alan Scherer Photographer

Posts Tagged ‘depression’

Sorry Charlie

In bipolar, charlie sheen, love, memories, motivation, quotes, thoughts, winning on March 11, 2011 at 3:13 pm

I hope Charlie realizes his pain and can find a way to ask for help to overcome it…  Bipolar can be managed and overcome with a lot of inner healing and love of self…  Sorry Charlie right now you aren’t winning you are hurting…  God bless

Food for Thought?

In inspiration, joy, love, memories, motivation, quotes, thoughts on March 5, 2011 at 4:54 am
Portrait of Friedrich Nietzsche, 1882; One of ...

Image via Wikipedia

question for the fb world… if there was no money how would you feel….
4 minutes ago · · ·

    • Alan P. Scherer Jr. Photography would you feel less of a burden to be something you’re not and more of who you are inside…?

      3 minutes ago ·
    • Alan P. Scherer Jr. Photography would you’re motivation be to strive for inner consciousness instead of raises at work and promotions to the top of the corporate world?

      2 minutes ago ·


In boats, memories, photography, thoughts on February 10, 2011 at 3:52 am

at rest

even at rest we should be prepared to tackle what scares us most

If we realize our true potential we shall be empowered to become the person we believe we can be in our dreams…. Self confidence is tough sometimes but to be strong is a value that can be built on a daily basis while overcoming your past. You have the power to create positive change and it starts in you, then you can give it to the world around you for sharing is caring.


When it comes to finding an empowerment definition, there seems to be quite a bit of controversy about how to define it.
According to, empowerment came to be known as “to invest with authority, authorize” at some point in the mid-1600′s.
I find that my idea of an empowerment definition is one that leans more toward personal growth and development. To me, the definition of empowerment starts with a thought process where you first of all feel very secure in yourself.

You feel as if you have a sense of “power” over your life. A feeling that you aren’t at the mercy of events, but instead can have an impact on what happens to or around you.
“Power” can be a dangerous word. Often, people think of power as the ability to rule over others or to make others do as you want.This isn’t the way in which I mean to represent it.
Empowerment Definition With a Spiritual Outlook
I like to think in terms of a spiritual aspect as we discuss the definition of empowerment. You’ll find that you lose any wanting of control over people when you look at your life from a spiritual perspective.
You begin to understand the futility in focusing your energy outside of yourself to where you’re trying to effect change on that which you can’t.
Empowerment is a kind of personal power. A feeling that no matter what others do, you feel secure with who you are. It doesn’t matter what life may throw your way, you know that you can handle adversity and come out the other end a better person; or at least more knowledgable for next time.
Others See Your Integrity
The great thing that happens when you live by this definition of empowerment is that even though you’re not trying to control or effect the actions of others, you do anyway. Other people pick up on your self confidence and look to you for leadership.
What’s happening here is that others realize that you can be trusted and are a person of integrity. Because of this, they want to be close to you. Therefore, if you live by this spiritual type of empowerment definition, in a sense you actually do control your environment by focusing on personal power.
“Don’t let the negativity given to you by the world disempower you. Instead give to yourself that which empowers you.”
– Les Brown