Alan Scherer Photographer

Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’


In Uncategorized on January 28, 2013 at 2:20 pm

A flower such as a ROSE only blossoms with water and warmth and that is true with you too…  In order to blossom you need to stay in the light, let the darkness fade through watering your life with joy ;)



In inspiration on January 15, 2013 at 6:37 pm

A Path




We are on a path to enlightenment and positive change, the problem is the EGO wants it to be easy, and when it’s not you rely on the feeling the EGO gives you to accept failure. The moment you realize your future is built on building a solid foundation of self TRUST, self WORTH and a freeing of SELF from the EGO you will become FREE… Your past is not a place of failure but of ENDURANCE! Let GO of the PAST and then a better FUTURE is possible… It will hurt and it will be painful but it will be worth it for you will become the YOU where all your dreams come true, not of things but of ENJOYMENT,PEACE and STILLNESS! All you need do is LET GO of the YOU you think you KNOW and let the YOU you were born to be THROUGH! I have learned to do it TOO!



In inspiration on January 9, 2013 at 3:11 pm

a np2-6

We all have an opportunity to be part of something special, OUR LIVES! How long will you wait to take charge of your existance? Life is a CHOICE not a REQUIREMENT!!!

You either take charge of the moment or the moment takes charge of you… You may be saying how do I do that,what step can I take to become the me I see in my dreams? Well I tell you this it will hurt but it will be worth it,you have to do the things that scare you most like becoming your best friend and not your worst enemy. Because you have to live with yourself you might as well learn to accept and enjoy who you are and how you got here… Then put one foot in front of the other to a life you see in your dreams, for if you dream it you can live it.

I love you,
