Alan Scherer Photographer

Archive for February, 2011|Monthly archive page

the lucy show guest starring Jimmy Piersall

In baseball, memories, motivation, photography, quotes, thoughts on February 27, 2011 at 2:29 pm

Well Old Jimmy Piersall was quite the charmer, hope you enjoy a look at my heritage .  Even great ballplayers grow old….

running the bases backwards on #100

Going coast to coast

rocky speaks the truth….

In motivation, quotes, rivalry, thoughts on February 22, 2011 at 5:55 am

Well, we get knocked down, beat up and burned along the way but to understand the truth about yourself is what  leads you forward today… Understand the past and be open to a brighter future it is all up to you and we are counting on you!

We look at public figures, athletes and movie stars to be our role models when really and truly they are just people trying to get through the days just like us.  The realization that we are all in this together should help us understand that no amount of money we sell out to can give us hope… and hope springs eternal!

No Matter what you put in my way I will not give up today!

Coping with bipoplar

In memories, motivation, quotes, thoughts on February 18, 2011 at 8:56 pm

Conquering Bipolar Symptoms

Bipolar complex has a positive side (see Chapter 5a) and a negative side: the symptoms. Here’s how to conquer the symptoms:
(Or, jump to: Dealing With a Manic or Hypomanic Episode)

A. Enjoy the Process

Conquering your symptoms is going to take years. In fact, it will take the rest of your life if you want to be the best person you can be. So you might as well be easy on yourself, keep your expectations low, and get a good laugh whenever you mess up. You’re already a good person, or you wouldn’t be reading this. You’re just trying to frost the cake.

B. Use Your Positive Traits To Conquer the Negative Ones

You, a bipolar, have the potential to develop all sorts of positive traits (see Chapter 5a) to a greater extent than other people. So for heaven’s sake develop some of them and use them. Find creative ways to calm yourself down when you’re manic or hypomanic. Use your sense of humor, your guts, your inner strength, whatever you’ve got.

A positive trait I’m sure bipolars have that hasn’t been researched yet is mental flexibility. We seem to be better at changing habit patterns and personality traits than most people are.

C. You Can’t Conquer A Symptom Until You Know You Have It

Q. What’s the absolute best thing that can happen to you when you’re sitting there wishing you could lick your symptoms, but you haven’t the faintest idea where to start?

A. The absolute best thing would be if somebody came over and (accurately) insulted you, that is, if they told you that there was some specific thing wrong with your personality and then you realized that they were right.

You don’t need to get an insult to conquer a symptom, of course. What you do need is to get to where you can detect the symptom, any way you can. Some people are told about their symptoms over and over and still keep denying them, because they just aren’t strong enough to ditch them yet (the symptoms, I mean, not the people talking to them).

What makes you strong enough to get rid of a symptom?

1. taking meds that are effective for you steadily and for a long enough time.

2. motivation. How badly do you want to get rid of a particular symptom?

3. your environment. How badly do the people close to you want you to get rid of a particular symptom?

4. your stress level, which is part of your environment, but it’s so important that I’m singling it out. You can’t always help how much stress you’re under, but there’s one very effective way to keep stress at a minimum: go to sleep. I don’t mean sleep your life away. I mean that, if you haven’t gotten enough sleep lately you’ll have a hard time getting rid of symptoms and bad habits.

So, when you suddenly realize, let’s say, that you have a habit of talking inappropriately loud whenever you’re on even a mildly interesting topic, it’s silly to feel ashamed or embarrassed. (STOP that negative thought.) Rather, it’s time to celebrate. Now you’ve detected a specific symptom, specific enough for you to conquer. The hardest part is over.

After you’re on your way to licking specific symptoms, you’ll discover that your general stress level and mood swings will automatically decrease somewhat. For more on tempering manic episodes, see Section F.

D. The Three Main Strategies For Conquering Symptoms

The best way to lick bipolar symptoms is the cognitive self-help way. So I recommend that you read Stephen Bernhardt’s Emotional Thought Stopping before you start.  Then use these three strategies, which I’ve been using for years — they work:

1. Have a goal, a dream, or at least a hobby that uses whatever kind of creativity you specialize in. One bipolar kept insisting that he had no creative abilities at all, until he discovered that he’s really good at lip syncing.

2. Engage in purposeful activity. Call it exercise, call it yoga relaxation therapy, call it “I walk to the store to save gas money,” call it whatever you want, but keep moving. If you’re hypomanic, movement calms you. If you’re dysthymic (feeling down), movement keeps depressive thoughts from stagnating in your mind.

3. Have somebody to call, email, chat with or fax to when nothing else seems to work for you.

Stephen Bernhardt writes, “I begin by, let us say writing this article, as my mind switches to possibly the next article I am considering writing, I go with that thought, write notes on any insight or ideas I come up with, and then refocus on this present article.” He’s using all the strategies in perfect unison:

a. He focuses, refocuses, and keeps on refocusing on the creative goal, e.g., “I’m writing a great article.” But, to follow his lead, you need to focus on your goal as a therapeutic endeavor. That is, use emotional thought stopping to prevent yourself from making your dream into something negative.

For example, you may think to yourself, “Get back on the topic, stupid!” STOP that thought! You’re pretty darn smart, or you wouldn’t be writing at all. Focus on the creative goal in a therapeutic, positive way.

b. He doesn’t judge himself negatively when his thoughts wander. He realizes that wandering thoughts are necessary to creativity. His thoughts wander off to other useful, creative ideas. So just write them down so that you won’t forget them. Then get back to your original project.

c. He has fun. Don’t grit your teeth and try to force your mind back on topic. It will return when it’s ready, and you’ll have a rough draft of your next article to show for the additional time you spent.

E. Dealing With a Depressive or Dysthymic Episode

1. See Stephen Bernhardt’s Emotional Thought Stopping, and the cognitive self-help books he recommends at the bottom of his article.

2. If your depression is very severe and long-lasting, you might try the no-holds-barred solution that worked for Cindy in the story, Death.

F. Dealing With a Manic or Hypomanic Episode

1. Detecting It

Like Megan in the story, L.A. Woman, you usually cannot tell that you are manic, at least not until it is over. By then, it is hard to remember what the trigger was. But Stephen Bernhardt believes that manic episodes can be just “a response to a buildup of stress over time” anyway.

So, rather than attempt to identify and avoid things that stress you out, try to detect how your mind and body change as you are beginning to slip into a manic episode. I’ll list my signs of an impending manic episode:

a. Initial euphoric feelings that are later replaced by a frenzied manic state. In a manic state, it can be hard to stop yourself from doing at least three things at once, even if you have no reason to hurry.

b. Irritability: You may find yourself getting more frustrated by potentially annoying things than you usually get.

c. You may get so many ideas that it’s hard for you to write one down before the next one comes. Most of them will be good ideas, but not all of them will be practical.

e. You may become even more absentminded than you normally are.

h. You may sleep only four or five hours a night without feeling tired. (But you may get headaches, watery eyes, and a crabby disposition from lack of sleep.)

i. You may become a neatnik who must have everything in its proper place.

j. Something really bad has just happened to you, you may seem to be outside yourself, feeling no emotion at all, watching yourself and wondering what I’m going to do next.

k. Something really bad has just happened to you and you feel fine.

Maybe you can add to this list. During a manic episode you may:

a. sometimes want to just sit and think, simply because thinking feels so good to you.

b. do three or four things at once, or at least try to, then make a mistake, forget important things, or have an accident.

c. not be able to stand waiting for people, waiting in lines, waiting for something to happen, waiting for anything.

d. not be a very good listener because you’re too restless and impatient with whoever is speaking.

e. set unnecessary deadlines for yourself and then rush around trying to meet them.

f. be bored almost to tears by repetitious jobs.

h. be very annoyed by others’ tiny mistakes, e.g. when someone calls Risperdal (aka. Risperidone) “Risperidal” or spells a word wrong.

2. Tempering It

What Stephen Bernhardt recommends works: when you are writing something, never send it out right away. Go back and look it over again in a few days, or at least a few hours. You may think you’re writing something absolutely perfect but, when you come back to it later, be horrified by something or other that you wrote in that first draft. You will be relieved that you waited before sending it out.

I think this applies to all of a bipolar’s life, not just what bipolars write. Before an important conversation, try to rehearse what you will say. Never make a major decision quickly.

OK, any intelligent person knows enough to “sleep on” a major decision. But bipolars need to sleep on major decisions for at least three nights. If the temptation to act right away gets too hard to resist, slow yourself down by writing down everything about the decision: costs, benefits, history, what others recommend, everything.

Also, be careful to BREATHE. It’s funny how nobody teaches kids how to breathe. We go through life thinking that you take a deep breath by using your diaphragm to distend (make larger) your lungs and chest.  Then we wonder why we get hiccups all the time.

Hiccups are caused by improper breathing (which is caused by stress which, in turn, is caused by life and/or bipolar disorder). To prevent or cure hiccups, take deep breaths, but not with your diaphragm. Use your abdominal muscles to distend your abdomen, NOT your diaphragm (which distends your chest). Concentrate on getting your abdominal muscles to pull your lungs downward as far as possible, making them large enough to hold lots of air. Make your breaths as deep as you can. If you do this, you will want to breathe in a more slow and relaxed way as well, and you will swallow less air.

But if your diaphragm wants to suck some air into your chest once in a while, that’s fine. It’s called sighing. If you breathe properly you will get fewer hiccups, and your singing will sound better too!

More suggestions? Email me at 

G.  When Mood Swings End

There is one sure way of knowing when your manic and depressive episodes are becoming shorter and further between: your other bipolar symptoms will increase for a while.  Psychologists call it “symptom substitution.”  Maybe you will start having more headaches, arthritic pain, or other physical problems. Maybe obsessive thoughts will pop into your mind more often. Maybe you will start having more trouble with annoying habits like nail biting or stuttering. Maybe you will have more panic attacks. Whatever symptom your unique mind chooses.

So, if this sort of thing happens to you, don’t think you are regressing. All that’s happening is that a really dangerous symptom (the mood swings) is being temporarily replaced by a less dangerous symptom. After a few months or years (I know that seems like a long time, but I have to tell you like it is!) of coping with these less dangerous symptoms, and, of course, regular medication, you will see these symptoms fade right away just as the mood swings did.

I want to quote Stephen Bernhardt one more time. “Do not concentrate on what causes your particular pain, and instead…try using the energy of mania toward a creative endeavor. “Don’t spend your life obsessing on your symptoms; focus on your creative goal, and let your symptom-management program be a sideline. Use thought stopping to get off obsessive, self-pitying and self-blaming thoughts and back onto your creative goal.

It’s a lot of work being bipolar, but I sincerely believe that bipolars can be very powerful, effective people.

This article was inspired by articles written by Stephen L. Bernhardt, Bipolar Disorder:  Tempering the Mania of Manic Depression.


Self Help…

In memories, motivation, ocean, quotes, thoughts, Uncategorized on February 15, 2011 at 7:53 pm

Some times it seems hard to keep your head up and to realize your true worth… It is in those times that letting go will help you the most. the weight ofthe world is not yours to bear.

Breathe life anew….

In memories, motivation, photography, quotes, thoughts, Uncategorized on February 13, 2011 at 3:00 pm
Kennedy brothers; left to right John, Robert, Ted.

Image via Wikipedia

“Just because something is easy to measure doesn’t mean it’s important.”

Seth Godin

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, It is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

“People are, if anything, more touchy about being thought silly than they are about being thought unjust.”

E. B. White

“Selling to people who actually want to hear from you is more effective than interrupting strangers who don’t.”

Seth Godin

“Take away my people, but leave my factories, and soon grass will grow on the factory floors. Take away my factories, but leave my people, and soon we will have a new and better factory.”

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly”.

Celtics Lakers Rivalry Continues tonight

In basketball, celtics, kevin garnett, kobe bryant, lakers, larry bird, magic johnson, nba, nba basketball, paul pierce, ray allen, rivalry on February 10, 2011 at 2:52 pm

MaGic gives us a little insight into the rivalry YouTube style…

Larry and Magic made it something special, always gave me goosebumps…

These to storied franchises hate each other but have the utmost respect for each other….

Also in this game featured on TNT tonight is the Ray Allen 3 point history over Reggie Miller who will call the game and hand over the reins as 3 points shots made in the history of basketball to Ray. Ray needs one to tie Reggie and two to over take him , it should happen in the first half maybe even the first quarter… The amazing thing about Ray is he doesn’t show signs of slowing down anytime soon so we can enjoy that smooth stroke and movement without the ball for a few more years to come.

Having the opportunity to watch a player like Ray wear the Celtics green and to help put another banner in the rafters high above the garden floor just goes to show Kevin Garnett is right when he states…” Anything is possible!”

So tonight we will see how far along our boys in green are on their way to another Banner, enjoy the game…


In boats, memories, photography, thoughts on February 10, 2011 at 3:52 am

at rest

even at rest we should be prepared to tackle what scares us most

If we realize our true potential we shall be empowered to become the person we believe we can be in our dreams…. Self confidence is tough sometimes but to be strong is a value that can be built on a daily basis while overcoming your past. You have the power to create positive change and it starts in you, then you can give it to the world around you for sharing is caring.


When it comes to finding an empowerment definition, there seems to be quite a bit of controversy about how to define it.
According to, empowerment came to be known as “to invest with authority, authorize” at some point in the mid-1600′s.
I find that my idea of an empowerment definition is one that leans more toward personal growth and development. To me, the definition of empowerment starts with a thought process where you first of all feel very secure in yourself.

You feel as if you have a sense of “power” over your life. A feeling that you aren’t at the mercy of events, but instead can have an impact on what happens to or around you.
“Power” can be a dangerous word. Often, people think of power as the ability to rule over others or to make others do as you want.This isn’t the way in which I mean to represent it.
Empowerment Definition With a Spiritual Outlook
I like to think in terms of a spiritual aspect as we discuss the definition of empowerment. You’ll find that you lose any wanting of control over people when you look at your life from a spiritual perspective.
You begin to understand the futility in focusing your energy outside of yourself to where you’re trying to effect change on that which you can’t.
Empowerment is a kind of personal power. A feeling that no matter what others do, you feel secure with who you are. It doesn’t matter what life may throw your way, you know that you can handle adversity and come out the other end a better person; or at least more knowledgable for next time.
Others See Your Integrity
The great thing that happens when you live by this definition of empowerment is that even though you’re not trying to control or effect the actions of others, you do anyway. Other people pick up on your self confidence and look to you for leadership.
What’s happening here is that others realize that you can be trusted and are a person of integrity. Because of this, they want to be close to you. Therefore, if you live by this spiritual type of empowerment definition, in a sense you actually do control your environment by focusing on personal power.
“Don’t let the negativity given to you by the world disempower you. Instead give to yourself that which empowers you.”
– Les Brown

Our love for the ocean and it’s seas!

In boats, cape cod, memories, ocean, photography, thoughts on February 9, 2011 at 4:16 pm

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Boats and the ocean are beautiful and enjoyable to us all… Even if you have never dipped a toe in the ocean you are still drawn to it and the secrets it keeps.

I think we take for granted the amazing wonders that the sea provides us with and what lies beneath its waters too…


The Immense Ocean
Imagine that you are an ant on Mount Everest. That’s about the size relationship of one human being to the ocean.
Everything about the ocean is immense — it has the tallest mountains in the world and the deepest valleys. It covers 72 percent of the Earth’s surface. That’s 139 million square miles or 139 with 19 zeros after it. And it’s not just wide. It’s deep — 12,460 feet deep on average. That’s 10 Empire State buildings stacked on top of each other!
Oceans Alive
Most scientists think life began in the ocean over 3 billion years ago. Today, the ocean contains an amazing array of life at every depth. Over 1 million known species of plants and animals live there, and scientists say there may be as many as 9 million species we haven’t discovered yet.
Marine animals come in all kinds of weird shapes, sizes, and colors; and they live in all kinds of different environments within the ocean. Theblue whale, the largest animal in the world, lives in the open ocean, along with millions of tiny drifting organisms calledplankton. In the tropical seas, silverygreat barracudaspursue colorful coral reef fish. Then there’s the deep sea — where it’s as dark as night and icy cold. At depths as great as 7,000 feet below the surface,tubewormslive in the most extreme environment in the world — hot sea vents. There, the water temperature changes from scalding hot to icy cold in the space of a few feet. No matter where you go in the ocean, you will always find life.

Gimme Energy
Life in the ocean depends on energy. No animal can move or grow without energy. Most ocean animals get their energy by eating plants or other animals. The connection between organisms based on the transfer of energy is called a food chain or a food web. Most food webs start with the conversion of sunlight into food through a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is an important process that occurs at the surface of the ocean. But deep within the ocean, at hydrothermal vents, food chains are based on the conversion of chemical energy into food. This process is called chemosynthesis.
You’ve heard of “one world?” Well, technically, all the world’s oceans and seas are part of one continuous mass of seawater. But because the ocean is so big, humans have divided it up and named the different parts. There are five oceans and several dozen seas.* Seas are usually smaller than oceans and are partially enclosed by land. But otherwise, they’re exactly the same thing.
What’s the Difference Between an Ocean and a Sea?

bipolar and the famous people who live with it…

In Uncategorized on February 9, 2011 at 7:35 am

Buzz Aldrin, astronaut
Lionel Aldridge
Hans Christian Andersen, writer
Ned Beatty, actor
Robert Boorstin, writer, assistant to Pres. Clinton,

Arthur Benson, writer
E F Benson, writer
William Blake (1757-1827), poet
Ralph Blakelock, artist
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), general
Tadeusz Borowski
Art Buchwald, writer, humorist
Tim Burton, artist, movie director
Robert Campeau, financier (Canada)
Drew Carey, actor
Jim Carrey, actor
Dick Cavett, writer, media personality
C.E. Chaffin, writer, poet
Agatha Christie, mystery writer
Winston Churchill, 1874-1965- British Prm Mnstr
John Clare, poet
Rosemary Clooney, singer
Garnet Coleman, legislator (Texas)
Francis Ford Coppola, director
Patricia Cornwell, writer

Richard Dadd
John Daly, athlete (golf)
John Davidson, poet
Edward Dayes, artist
Ray Davies, musician
Emily Dickinson
Kitty Dukakis, former First Lady of Massachusetts
Patty Duke (Anna Duke Pearce), actor, writer
Thomas Eagleton, lawyer, former U.S. Senator
T S Eliot, poet
Ralph Waldo Emerson, essayist
Robert Evans, film producer
Carrie Fisher, writer, actor
Edward FitzGerald
Robert Frost
F Scott Fitzgerald, author
Larry Flynt, magazine publisher
Connie Francis, actor, musician
Sigmund Freud, physician
Cary Grant, actor
Kaye Gibbons, writer
Shecky Greene, comedian, actor
Linda Hamilton, actor
Kristin Hersh, musician
Victor Hugo, poet

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred:
Forward the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns’ he said.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.”
– Alfred Lord Tennyson

Jack London, author
Robert Lowell, poet
Marilyn Monroe, actress
Mozart, composer
Jay Marvin, radio personality, writer
Cara Kahn, mtv’s ‘real world’
Kevin McDonald, comedian, actor
Kristy McNichol, actor
Dimitri Mihalas, scientist

Kate Millett, writer, artist
Spike Milligan, comic actor, writer
John Mulheren, financier (U.S.)
Robert Munsch, writer
Napoleon, general
Ilie Nastase, athlete (tennis), politician
Isaac Newton, scientist
Margo Orum, writer
Nicola Pagett, actor
J C Penney
Plato, philosopher, according to Aristotle
Edgar Allen Poe, author
Jimmie Piersall, athlete, sports announcer
Charley Pride, musician
Mac Rebennack (Dr. John), musician
Jeannie C. Riley, musician
Phil Graham, owner, Washington Post
Graham Greene, writer
Peter Gregg, team owner and manager, race car driver
Abbie Hoffman, writer, political activist
Lynn Rivers, U.S. Congress
Francesco Scavullo, artist, photographer
Lori Schiller, writer, educator
Frances Sherwood, writer
Scott Simmie, writer, journalist
Alonzo Spellman, athlete (football)
Muffin Spencer-Devlin, athlete (pro golf)
Gordon Sumner (Sting), musician, composer
St Francis
St John
St Theresa
Rod Steiger, film maker
Robert Louis Stevenson
Liz Taylor, actor
J.M.W. Turner
Mark Twain, author

Alfred, Lord Tennyson, poet
Ted Turner, entrepreneur, media giant
Jean-Claude Van Damme, athlete, actor
Vincent van Gogh
Mark Vonnegut, doctor, writer
Sol Wachtler, judge, writer
Tom Waits, musician, composer
Walt Whitman, poet
Tennessee Williams, author
Brian Wilson, musician (Beach Boys), composer, arranger
Jonathan Winters, comedian, actor, writer, artist
Luther Wright, athlete (basketball)
Margot Kidder, actor
Robert E Lee, soldier
Bill Liechtenstein, producer (TV & radio)
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), US President
Daniel Johnston, musician
Samuel Johnson, poet
Burgess Meredith, 1908-1997, actor, director
Kay Redfield Jamison, psychologist, writer

Bipolar Disorder ~ Bipolar Disorder affects 1 to 2 ½ percent of the population, even the famous. Stigma however, remain strong in the hearts and minds of the public – even in those of our own loved ones / family! Although the illness of manic depression reaches even the rich and famous, the movie stars, great singers, television personalities and artists – – much of the public still think mentally ill people are in ‘categories’ such as homeless, violent, like the people portrayed in movies such as “One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest” and, people who are basically weak, won’t “pick themselves up by the boot straps” …and the list goes on… much clouded with misconceptions/myth.

Those who suffer from bipolar disorder, a non-curable disorder, can feel lonely, judged, and different and feel as if there is no hope for them or their lives. Below are only a few names of famous ‘known publicly’ people that have had or have manic depressive disorder. Through determination, self-confidence, esteem and pride, many people have achieved great things in their lives, reached their dreams, become well known, lived happier more productive lives… Just as we all can, you can…

It is our hope that by providing some familiar names, faces… that those who suffer from this illness can feel a bit more “normal” a little more motivated for and in their futures and feel a bit more like life IS WORTH IT, is okay and can be lived to the fullest…

There is hope… you are not damaged goods… you are not alone…

The staff at Manic’s Dance wish to invite you to come to our forum / message board… read a bit, add a comment, feeling, question …personal experience etc. Check out a chat room if you would like. Manic’s Dance is always open to and for both manic depressive / bipolar “dancers” and to the loved ones at their sides….

Inspiration, lives in our nation even when we have trouble believing…

In thoughts on February 8, 2011 at 11:36 pm
patience is a virtue...

when we know patience we know love!

You have the power to move forward no matter what setback or obstacles block your path. You have the power to live true to your highest vision of how your life can be. You have the power to follow and reach your dreams. You have all this power because you have the CHOICE. In each moment you can choose, independent of all other factors. What you think, what to say, and WHO YOU WANT TO BE!!!

Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
Robert Collier

The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.
Aristotle Onassis

The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means and the exercise of ordinary qualities. These may for the most part be summed in these two: common-sense and perseverance.
Owen Feltham

Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving.
Dennis Waitley

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.
Vince Lombardi

I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure–which is:
Try to please everybody.
Herbert Bayard Swope

Success does not consist in never making blunders, but in never making the same one a second time.
Josh Billings

The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.
Earl of Beaconsfield

Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration.
Evan Esar

The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan

If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius.
Jospeph Addison

Impatience never commanded success.
Edwin H. Chapin

The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do, well.
Henry W. Longfellow

To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first.

Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.
Albert Einstein

The man who makes a success of an important venture never wails for the crowd. He strikes out for himself. It takes nerve, it takes a great lot of grit; but the man that succeeds has both. Anyone can fail. The public admires the man who has enough confidence in himself to take a chance. These chances are the main things after all. The man who tries to succeed must expect to be criticized. Nothing important was ever done but the greater number consulted previously doubted the possibility. Success is the accomplishment of that which most people think can’t be done.
C. V. White

at rest
