Alan Scherer Photographer

Posts Tagged ‘november project’


In inspiration on January 16, 2013 at 3:07 pm


Just because you can’t see how far the road leads or even if there is a cliff off in the distance doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start your Journey one step at a time letting the present show itself in the due time you need to grow ready for what comes along for your life to blossom.

There is no FEAR but FEAR itself drop the EGO and pick up your SOUL, it is true because I have done it too!






In fitness on January 11, 2013 at 3:59 pm


Today is Friday, the second Friday of the New Year 2013 and we as a tribe called the November Project take on Summit Ave. in Brookline together, to build a better body,mind and spirit.

We did a great hill workout today consisting of 4 complete hills or 4 FULL as Brogan Graham called it today as we were bouncing on our toes to keep warm in the 37 degree weather.

Usually we run to the fire hydrant at Corey Hill, known for its great sledding but today we did it all the way down to the traffic light on the other side of the road.  So today was a landmark for our hills.  So hopefully that becomes a more regular addition to our life on Summit Ave.

Ok, so I want to finish out this post telling you a couple things I accomplished at the end of the summer and beginning of fall so that you can see that anything is possible.

Well as you see we run this hill and Brogan Graham part of the two headed monster we call November Project decided he would throw the gauntlet out there one fine Friday in September to run 15 hills which is 12.63 miles so I got on board that train, but Big20 Joey Kiley had to do 20 that day so I saw my future in his accomplishment as well…  So the next week I set out on the 20 hills and Joey Big20 Kile did it to me again as he did 33 hills which is roughly 26.36 miles a tenth longer than a marathon so the gauntlet was thrown dow for me again to accomplish 37 hills which is 30 mile but I still have to accomplish that goal this spring for at 23 1/2 mile my legs gave out and overcoming my EGO and being ok with finishing the rest walking was insanely difficult but I did it…

And then a cool day in the Harvard Stadium portion of our life Joey and I pushed each other through the section gauntlet first he did 125 so i set out to do 150 and yep he did 200 and yep you guessed it the next week so did I!

The moral of this is he is in his early 20’s and I am 40 on Aug 9,2013 so if you push yourself to be better than yesterday and can get past yourself and the limits you have put on it anything is POSSIBLE right KG!


In inspiration on January 9, 2013 at 3:11 pm

a np2-6

We all have an opportunity to be part of something special, OUR LIVES! How long will you wait to take charge of your existance? Life is a CHOICE not a REQUIREMENT!!!

You either take charge of the moment or the moment takes charge of you… You may be saying how do I do that,what step can I take to become the me I see in my dreams? Well I tell you this it will hurt but it will be worth it,you have to do the things that scare you most like becoming your best friend and not your worst enemy. Because you have to live with yourself you might as well learn to accept and enjoy who you are and how you got here… Then put one foot in front of the other to a life you see in your dreams, for if you dream it you can live it.

I love you,
